Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Help Preventing Prostate Cancer Drink Green Tea

Green Tea May Prevent Prostate Cancer

ANAHEIM,  Prostacet

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California - A year after taking green tea catechins (GTCs), only a group of 32 men at high risk of developing prostate cancer was diagnosed a disease, compared to nine in 30 in the control group. Italian researchers found Gallatin epigallocatechin (EGCG) is the GC direct death of cancer cells without damaging the benign controls. The results were reported in 1996 annual meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research in Anaheim, California, Italian researchers at the University of Parma University of Modena and Reggio Emilia Xavier Bettuzzi found with Cluster, the gene involved in Prostate apoptosis, a possible mediator of catechins activities.

EGCG induced death in cancer cells and not normal cells, inducing Clusterin expression" said Bettuzzi. The subjects were aged 45-75 with high grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia - precursors of malignant lesions is prostate cancer - which no treatment was given and which was not consuming green tea, tea products or antioxidants, or following androgen therapy. Intervention subjects received 200 mg of GC (50 percent EGCG). The incidence rate of 30 per cent of prostate cancer in the control group was consistent with previous findings that there was no significant side effects or adverse events in the treated group.

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